...so when you're tired and run down just have a great big spoon of .....this stuff! Oh, what great memories. Kaylee you are now truly a member of this family. If you miss an episode, call me. I have them all!
Things I love...My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My darling husband, Cory. My beautiful daughter, Kaylee. My family. My church family. Quilting. Blogging. 20's and 30's reproduction fabric. Raspberries. Purses. Reading. Shoes. Cooking. Thanksgiving. Cherry Pepsi. Red. Vinee's Pizza. Cupcakes. Autumn. Pedicures. Great-Grandma Maxine's potato salad. Florida. Seeing Kaylee smile. Boot-shaped chicken nuggets. Wearing my pajamas all day. Civil war reproduction fabric.
Oh, Kaylee, we ALL love Lucy. We'll know you've watched too much of it when you can recite the entire "vitameatavegamin" commercial!
That is Grandma Kay's favorite show. Enjoy!! Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular? You'll get it later.
...so when you're tired and run down just have a great big spoon of .....this stuff! Oh, what great memories. Kaylee you are now truly a member of this family. If you miss an episode, call me. I have them all!
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